One of the most valuable assets a property can have within the UK is a garden and access to a private outdoor space remains at the top of the homeowner’s wishlist. There are a number of reasons why this is the case and, from summer BBQs to growing one’s own food, it’s easy to understand why. For all your fencing needs, check out Leeds fencing company.
The issue, however, is that the British climate has a reputation for wet and dreary weather, which makes it hard for homeowners to maximise their usage of outdoor space, as well as their return on investment. It is difficult to both maintain and enjoy a garden throughout the year and, as a result, many will neglect their outdoor space, especially during the winter.
There are plenty of things that can be done to remedy this situation and some of those with gardens have already figured it out, ensuring that their garden spaces remain habitable and stylish all year round. Here’s how they do it.
Climate Control
One of the most important aspects of managing a garden during winter is limiting the impact of the weather. This involves reducing harsh winds, ensuring a degree of warmth, and providing cover to a garden.
To prevent winds is relatively easy and both fences and natural barriers, such as hedges, shrubs, and trees, are each capable of providing great protection against bluster. Warmth can, however, be a little trickier to manage. For plants, greenhouses and grow boxes solve the issue easily but humans must rely on heat lamps or cosy structures, like cabins and annexes. Finding both heat lamps and log cabins for sale is easy as they grow in popularity and become more affordable. Cabins and outbuildings also work for rain too. But those with smaller garden spaces will find retractable coverings or even a parasol more suitable.
Continue To Grow
The growing season doesn’t stop during winter, especially for gardeners with the right tools. This means that, even when not spending time outdoors in cold weather, gardens can produce value and ingredients for a home to enjoy.
Consider installing a greenhouse or freestanding grow box that will allow your garden to remain abundant during the cold weather. By doing so, you will find yourself not only eating well during winter but also ready to harvest more as spring appears too!
Choose The Landscape
If your garden is prone to becoming waterlogged or finds itself quickly infested with unwanted weeds, then it is time to change your landscape. Consider the type of garden you have, including the types of plants. Neat lawns are suitable for summer but can prove problematic during winter, which is why many will choose to encourage wildflowers to grow and divide their lawn space into sections. By doing so, they alleviate the pressure on a high-maintenance area and allow nature to act as a shield.
Others will prefer to contain their growing to pots and raised beds. Doing so makes management far easier, especially during inhospitable weather conditions, restricting the likelihood of weeds. While the idea of a concrete foundation might not be appealing, with the right amount of vertical growers, beds, and pots, a garden can feel just as lushious while still being robust.