Above everything else, a beautiful and eye-catching master bedroom must radiate romantic feelings (so not only for the aesthetic gains). Couples excited to celebrate the happy moments in a memorable way must organize the master bedroom. Focus on mood lighting, gauzy canopy beds, plush throws, evocative artwork and wall décor. Homebox has everything for romantic couples. Home designing especially interior designing is easy with this online store. Buy best quality furniture, bedding, wall décor and paints, curtains & blinds, sofa sets, cushions & pillows, rugs, bathroom textiles and more. Find a latest Homebox Coupon Code to see discounted prices of all these items. Here are some valuable tips for the romantic couples.
Create a Cocoon:
A cocoon is a shape which resembles with an egg. An enclosed surrounding around the bed gives you high sense of privacy. It also induces intimacy so the couples can enjoy. You will feel engaged with each other and cut from rest of the world. Just hang the curtains around the bed and make a closed canopy to find a cocoon setting.
Lacquer the Walls:
High shine lacquer paint is very famous nowadays. It makes your bedroom feeling bigger and spacious. It also gives it a sexy and vibrant look. It is true that red shining enhances the level of intimacy. Choose the ivory bedding from Homebox and match it with traditional sconces. Apply your Homebox Coupon Code right now to fetch the budget deals at Homebox store.
Emanate a Rosy Glow:
Try a plush carpet, curtain, cushion, and pillow and wall décor. All these things will make your bedroom luxurious and comfortable. Buy a textured panel bed or furniture for this contrast. This will deliver an ultimate romantic touch. Also bring light pink sheers to radiate the rosy glow in room environment.
Hang a Canopy:
Is there anything romantic than a vibrant gauzy bed canopy? Couples who want a semi-sheer look must note this strategy. Don’t forget to add the matching pillows, cushions and rugs. This will make your room comfortable and romantic.
Light a Fire:
Is there a fireplace in your bedroom? Well, it would be more vibrant especially in cold months. Light coming from the fireplace gives you a romantic environment. Decorate the walls, roof and floor with best materials available at Homebox. Spend a reasonable budget on these settings. Apply a verified Homebox Coupon Code to make your room similar to an old world sanctuary.
Stay Grounded:
Bring a bed which has a reasonable height from the floor. This will keep you close to the ground. According to experts, low to ground beds are best to enjoy the bohemian energy. How to make your bed irresistible? Get pure linens for these beds. Buy low to ground beds at Homebox store with special discounts.
Use Oversized Plants:
Most people keep indoor plants in bedrooms. New couples must think about an oversized plant in a corner. This will create a lush garden oasis. Plenty of floral items in the bedroom make it green and pleasant. Couples will definitely love to have this nature-inspired feeling.
Buy Cheeky Pillows:
At Homebox, there is a big collection of cushions, pillows and more. Buy the cheeky pillows for your bed. It will make a pillow talking bedroom. Couples know the pillows are good for them.
Use Evocative Arts:
Most couples love to have artistic look in the bedroom. Adding evocative art in the bedroom produces a sense of romance. Try it today.
Hang White Sheers:
These are good to evoke a feeling of ethereal love. Don’t forget to add matching furniture with them. Try a Homebox Coupon Code to purchase matching furniture items for your master bedroom.